What services do you offer?
​Our main service is offering live and on-demand coverage of government meetings on Channel 22. On Channel 98, we assist residents and nonprofit organizations create TV programming. We can also help promote non-profit events that are open to the public via our biweekly news program or on our rotating community bulletin board.
Organizations can hire Exeter TV staff run the audiovisual services for events taking place in town facility or parks. For more info click here.
Are there any costs to your services?
​Almost everything we do at Exeter TV is free to residents in the town of Exeter. Our three channels are available at no extra cost included in Comcast TV plans and they're also available online on our website. To make a show with us or borrow equipment there is no fee.
The only fees we charge are related to the operation of AV equipment at events. You can hire Exeter TV staff to help operate sound systems, projectors, and more that can be borrowed from the station. The current fee is $80/hour with a $40/hour rate for non-profit organizations. For more information, contact us at extvg@exeternh.gov.
Where can I find the TV schedule?
Click here for the Exeter TV98 schedule.
Click here for the EXTV-G Channel 22 schedule.
Click here for the Blue Hawk Media schedule.
Inquiries about programming on Channel 98 and 22 can be sent to Robert Glowacky at rglowacky@exeternh.gov. Inquiries about programming on Blue Hawk Media can be sent to Tim Cremmen at tcremmen@sau16.org.
How do I find municipal Board meeting?
Exeter TV has recently started its very own live streaming and video on demand platform. Live meetings can be viewed on our 24/7 livestream. Once a meeting has been recorded, you can find it on the Minutes and Agendas page on the town website. Just find the meeting you want to watch and click on the "Video" link for that meeting. Meetings are uploaded within 1-2 business days.
If you're having trouble finding a meeting or livestream, or just have a question about Channel 22, please contact Bob Glowacky at rglowacky@exeternh.gov for more information.
I want to host a TV show, how do I start?
Exeter TV staff is ready and waiting to help you with your idea. First send an email to extvg@exeternh.gov or give us a call at 603-418-6425 to set up a time to talk about your idea. We have camera equipment to borrow if you want to film it yourself. We have a TV studio that can be used free of charge. Our staff can operate equipment, edit the program together, and post it for you.
All you need to do is bring us your ideas and we'll get you started!