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Get Involved with Exeter TV
We offer many services to Exeter residents and the Exeter area at large. First and foremost, we exist as a platform for entertainment, education, and information via our public access channel, Exeter TV98. On this channel, people can submit programming to be aired on Comcast Channel 98.

If you have ready-made content that you wish to air on our station, fill out the EXTV-P Producer's agreement and email to us at
Have Video Content You
Want to Share on CH 98?

Volunteer Opportunities Coming Soon!
Exeter TV staff are ready to hear your ideas for programming and help make it possible. We currently offer full technical support for talk-show style programs in our multi-camera TV studio located in Town Hall. If you're looking to go out into the field and film your own program, we have camera kits that you can borrow and will train you how to operate it---all for free!
Please reach out to us if you have any questions about starting a program at Exeter TV.
phone: (603) 418-6525
Have an idea for a show and need help making it?
Over the years we've had a wide variety of shows, with topics ranging from music to UFO's. Below are just a few of the shows produced by independent producers with support from Exeter TV.
The Seacoast Sports Forum, Slice of Exeter, Next Stop Exeter, Exeter Terrestrials, TEAM Songwriter Circle, The Early Late Night Live Show, The McGraw Research Report, The Veterans Forum, Exeter Speak-Ups Club (ToastMasters), ]
Examples of shows hosted by independent producers:
The Seacoast Sports Forum:
Slice of Exeter, Next Stop Exeter, Exeter Terrestrials, TEAM Songwriter Circle, The Early Late Night Live Show, The McGraw Research Report, The Veterans Forum, Exeter Speak-Ups Club (ToastMasters), ]
Next Stop Exeter
Slice of Exeter
Next Stop Exeter, Exeter Terrestrials, TEAM Songwriter Circle, The Early Late Night Live Show, The McGraw Research Report, The Veterans Forum, Exeter Speak-Ups Club (ToastMasters), ]
Slice of Exeter, Next Stop Exeter, Exeter Terrestrials, TEAM Songwriter Circle, The Early Late Night Live Show, The McGraw Research Report, The Veterans Forum, Exeter Speak-Ups Club (ToastMasters), ]
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